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The Pixie Project

The Pixie Project

Regular price $ 5.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $ 5.00 USD
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Welcome to The Pixie Project.

Once upon a time, there was a kind and generous Mad Micas customer. They eagerly asked if she could gift products to several people. They selected a group of people and instructed us to send gifts to all of them, but 100% anonymously.

In the wake of random acts of kindness, other Mad Micas customers and friends were inspired to do the same, and asked if they, too, could donate some money to send out anonymous gifts to deserving makers.

Thus, The Pixie Project was born.

The way it works is simple: if you'd like to help anonymously provide gifts to other makers, just make a donation in the amount of your choosing. We will hold the funds aside, then select people that we think deserve a special treat of Mad Micas products. We also ask for nominations to gift to people who may need inspiration or are going through a hard time.

We'll deduct the funds from the account to purchase the goodies, then ship them at our expense to the recipient so no dollars get wasted on shipping!

We monitor and engage in Mad Micas Buzz and will be selecting recipients from there, as well as accepting nominations and ideas for where to send stuff (as well as what to send).

We've always felt that our customers were wonderful people, and you all continue to inspire us. Thanks to the original Pixie for being such an inspiration and giving everyone the opportunity to engage in random acts of kindness!

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Customer Reviews

Based on 36 reviews

This program is such a wonderful idea. And for a $5 donation you can simply add to your order how can you not donate? Simple and inexpensive!


Love donating to a great cause.

The Pixie Project warms my heart

I absolutely love the idea behind The Pixie Project. Every time I place a Mad Mica order, I add to it a little. I imagine someone getting a surprise gift and having a better day because of it. The thought truly warms my heart and puts a smile on my face. Thank you Mad Mica for covering the shipping, so I know my entire donation goes to someone.

Margaret G
Awesome micas, awesome company!!

I only placed 3 orders thus far and I can tell you that Mad Micas is a fantastic company. My most recent order was on Jan. 31, 2023 and I received it today Feb. 3, 2023. One can't ask for any faster shipping!! Thank you Mad Micas and all your staff!! With the quality products and service you have, I will be ordering again. The Pixie Project is such a wonderful way to give back/paying it forward. God Bless all of you at Mad Micas!!

Awesome Company!

I have been using Mad Mica's for over 3 years now. This company is simply awesome! I truly appreciate the opportunity to push my limits with soap making.