Why We Made Color Lab Colors Permanent
(It wasn't the original plan)
We encourage wild experimentation by our colorists as part of the process of color design and matching. We want new and different ideas regardless of what is involved: go wild, have fun, make cool stuff, learn more.
And they do. The results can be spectacular, educational, but not always the easiest thing to mass produce. So we introduced the Color Lab series to give all of you a look at some of our favorite new blends regardless of complexity.
It turns out that you love them like we do – so we paused after November’s color to reassess and see if we could answer all the requests to bring colors back. At first, we thought a few, but after a few meetings with the team decided we’d just re-release them all as Uncharted Colors.
When they return, they'll be on sale for one week, then go to regular pricing.
It’ll take some time, but they’ll be popping up throughout the year.
A reminder: if you go to your favorite colors’ pages, you’ll receive pop-ups that allow you to enter your email and receive a reminder when they’re back in stock (and we don’t use those emails for anything but notifying you).
One more thing: new Color Labs will continue to arrive, though not every month – and they’ll stay too.
When they’re released (as with this month’s selection, Vineyard), they’ll have special pricing for one month: $5.50 per ounce. After the month, they’ll become full-fledged Uncharted Colors and be priced accordingly: from $6.95 to $7.95 an ounce depending on ingredients and complexity to manufacture.
Like we said at the top, this was never the plan. But we try hard to provide you with the best colors, and the colors you want, and if we can move things around on our side to do it, we always will.
Finally, a huge thank you. Your responses to this project over the last year made our colorists happier than we can tell you, and we are deeply grateful for your support and encouragement.